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What is metabolism and how to accelerate it?

What is metabolism and how does it affect weights and health? Experts believe that success is 80% dependent on lifestyle!

Metabolism is the chemical reactions in the body's cells that change food into energy. Our bodies need this energy to do everything from moving to thinking to growing. Specific proteins in the body control the chemical reactions of metabolism. Thousands of metabolic reactions happen at the same time — all regulated by the body — to keep our cells healthy and working.

It supports the work of all internal organs. The concept includes all the vital chemical functions of the body: respiration, cell repair and digestion of food. These processes require energy, the minimum amount of which is called the basic metabolic rate, or metabolic rate (BMR). It can make up to 80% of daily energy needs, depending on age and lifestyle.

Photo by Gabin Vallet on Unsplash

What does metabolism do?

Often, people who do not manage to normalize weight, blame it on slow metabolism. In fact, there is little evidence that it can be considered a major barrier to a slender figure. Studies show that overweight people metabolize faster than lean people. 

They need more energy to perform basic body functions. Most often you gain weight not because of slow metabolism, but because you consume more calories than you spend. Sometimes a weight gain occur due to medical problems that slow metabolism, such as Cushing’s syndrome or insufficient thyroid activity - hypothyroidism. In this case, the metabolic rate is directly related to the normalization of weight. The more calories spent, the less fat is deposited in the body. In conditions of their deficiency, the process of losing weight occurs, fat (lipid) metabolism is accelerated.  Metabolism is also taken into account when gaining mass.  In each case, it is important to analyze the individual characteristics of the body and draw up a suitable nutrition and training plan.

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What is metabolic disruption?

The rule will vary from case to case. Doctor can diagnose abnormalities of protein, fat, carbohydrate, mineral and water metabolism.

The most common reasons for deviations from the optimal metabolism are:

  • Violation of the rules of balanced nutrition;
  • Lack of physical activity;
  • Hereditary factors;
  • Lack of water
  • Intoxication, poisoning;
  • Response to certain medicines;
  • Endocrine disease.

Metabolic disorders are expressed as follows:

  • deterioration of skin, hair and nails;
  • increased sweating;
  • problems with overweight;
  • severe edema;
  • sleep disturbance
  • tooth diseases;
  • impaired performance.
Photo by Alora Griffiths on Unsplash

When making a diagnosis, the doctor takes into account the results of tests and examinations. Common signs of metabolic disorders: high triglycerides and blood sugar, low «good» cholesterol and high blood pressure.

People with accelerated metabolism burn calories faster than those who have slow metabolism. They usually require high-calorie food to maintain weight. To compare : people with a slow metabolism are harder to lose weight - they need to increase physical activity.

Some of the most common signs of a fast metabolism are:

  • problems with weight gain;
  •  anemia;
  • hyperactivity;
  •  high heart rate;
  • elevated body temperature even at rest;
  • a good appetite;
  • low percentage of body fat.

The best way to determine why you have a fast metabolism and whether you need to take any action to normalize it is to consult with your doctor.  The specialist will help determine whether this is normal in your case, whether it is a side effect of the disease and whether something should be changed.

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Slow metabolism

Many factors influence the slowdown in metabolism:

  •  chronic stress;
  •  lack of trace elements, especially iron;
  •  unbalanced, irregular diet;
  •  low quality products;
  •  lack of daily routine, late rises and waste of sleep.

 Metabolism slows down when there are not enough calories in the diet, so it is often experienced by those who adhere to strict restrictive diets.  This is fraught with a decrease in performance, energy levels and the production of thyroid hormones.  With a slowdown in metabolism, muscle atrophy and the growth of body fat develop.  This condition must be diagnosed by a doctor.  For example, for endomorphs, reduced metabolism and a tendency to gain weight are a kind of norm.

What can speed up metabolism?

Some studies confirm that the metabolic rate does not always decrease with age, but mainly depends on lifestyle. Slowdown of chemical reactions leads to a lack of nutrition of body tissues, various dysfunctions appear. Consult with your doctor to find the optimal therapy and nutrition system, if you need to normalize your metabolism. How to normalize it, read in our new article! 

Cover photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

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