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Say goodbye to flabby arms

Do you want to get toned and defined arms? If you have ever felt frustrated with your arms, this is the right place for you.

In this article, we'll delve into the causes of flabby arms and look at the best solutions to combat them.

We should note that toned arms aren't only about aesthetics, but also about well-being and empowerment.

Do you want to get toned and defined arms? If you have ever felt frustrated with your arms, this is the right place for you.

In this article, we'll delve into the causes of flabby arms and look at the best solutions to combat them.

We should note that toned arms aren't only about aesthetics, but also about well-being and empowerment.

And remember, before making any significant changes into your exercise routine or eating habits, it's important to ask a professional. Send us a message!

Causes of flaccidity

There are two main causes of flabby arms:

Lack of muscle mass

The main cause of key flabby arms is the lack of muscle mass.

The arm muscles play a crucial role in both appearance and health. It plays an important role in defining your appearance. When you lack muscle, your arms can look flaccid and without volume.

However, as mentioned in the intro, the role of the muscles in the arms goes beyond the aesthetic. Muscle mass is essential for the proper functioning of the entire body. Muscles help us move and do things every day. They also help us burn calories and keep our metabolism working.

Lack of muscle mass can have negative repercussions on overall health. Underdeveloped musculature can lead to a decrease in strength and functional capacity, which in turn can affect quality of life. Less muscle mass means slower metabolism, making weight control harder and increasing health risks. Also, the skin covering the arms can become less firm with time and lack of proper training.

Remember: From the age of 30, the body begins to lose approximately one pound of muscle per year. And it continues: this loss grows over time, even reaching 2.5 kilos of muscle per year by age 50. This decrease in muscle mass not only affects the appearance of your arms, but also your health, flexibility and vitality.

Accumulation of fat

The second factor to consider in flaccidity is the accumulation of fat. If you've noticed that fat surrounds your arms, and they lack shape, you're not alone. As we age, hormonal changes can cause fat to accumulate in the upper body, including the arms.

Fat accumulation in the arms is common and linked to hormonal changes that happen as we get older. As our hormones fluctuate, it is common for fat to accumulate in the upper body.


Good news! You can improve your arm appearance by taking two main steps to address this issue.

Lack of muscle mass → strength training

To gain muscle mass, you need a well-structured training plan that involves the whole body. This approach helps you get stronger arms, prevent fat, improve back health, and feel better overall.

Strength training becomes your ally in this fight against flaccidity. Exercise not only makes your muscles stronger, but also improves the health of your arms by increasing metabolism and blood flow. When you use muscles, you increase blood flow, which makes the skin more elastic and reduces sagging.

Besides, building muscle tightens skin and improves blood flow and provides nutrients to the area. When muscles move, more blood and nutrients go to the area, making the skin more elastic and reducing sagging.

Fat accumulation → caloric deficit

Here's the key: to say bye to arm fat, you need to create a caloric deficit. This means consuming fewer calories than you burn in your daily activities. How to achieve it? With an adequate nutritional plan that adapts to your needs and objectives.

Losing fat is the essential step to reveal more defined arms. Then, as mentioned, you need to build a solid muscular base.

Remember that weight loss doesn’t translate into an aesthetic improvement. Weight loss often accompanies the loss of muscle and accumulation of fat. When your body doesn't have enough muscle, it often replaces the empty spaces with fat. So make sure you build enough muscle.

Perseverance and commitment are key in this process. With the right approach, you can meet the challenge of arm fat accumulation and achieve your fitness goals. If you want a total change, including your arms and overall health, accompanied by professionals, book a call.

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