The point of intermittent fasting is that the day or week should be divided into two time periods: during one of them you can eat, during the other - starve and drink water. Alternating these phases should lead to the desired result.

The first and most obvious effect of interval fasting is the loss of extra pounds and centimeters in the waist. The visible result, according to research, becomes visible on the third week. The advantage of the technique is that, despite its radicality, the extra weight goes gradually, providing a stable result. This effect is obtained not only and not so much at the expense of the built silhouette.
This is where autophagy plays a role, which increases the secretion of growth hormone, which promotes tissue renewal and rejuvenation. In addition, fasting at long intervals increases resistance to oxidative stress, a condition in which there are too many free radicals in the body that influence aging mechanisms.

Well, it’s not necessarily subtle, but it’s affecting the brain. Scientists are optimistic in this regard and are convinced that fasting can serve not only to prevent depression and brain disorders, but also to reduce the occurrence of already serious diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Moreover, researchers are now trying to prove that this mode of nutrition promotes the growth of new nerve cells in the brain and generally improves its ability to learn.
Due to intensive cellular renewal and removal of «garbage» the number of risk factors for the cardiovascular system is reduced. Good news for hypertensives: intermittent fasting will help normalize blood pressure and consequently strengthen blood vessels.

Remember we talked about free radicals who cause terrible diseases? So, eating the Eat Stop Eat scheme inhibits their spread in the body. In the case of current disease - helps to slow the growth of affected cells, which already increases the chances of winning over the plague of the 21st century. The scientific basis for this fact is said to be just around the corner. Summing up everything, it is worth noting that it is better to enter this difficult way with the permission of your doctor. It is also important to remember that you will be able to maintain the results achieved if you follow the intermittent fasting regime.

It is worth noting that not everyone will be able to try out the latest hit of dietary fashion. Intermittent fasting is contraindicated for chronic liver problems, stomach ulcers, biliary stone disease, pregnancy, and children and the elderly.
For people suffering from low blood pressure, fasting is fraught with fainting. In diabetes, diseases of the lungs and heart, thyroid gland, as well as underweight, this diet poses a health risk.