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Vegan and vegetarian protein differences, features and benefits

Protein for vegetarians are divided into vegetarian and animal proteins that do not contain meat protein. However, if you completely eliminate animal sources of food from your diet, do not get upset. There is a wide range of plant vegan proteins on the market, which will provide you with the necessary amount of protein. In this article we’re gonna try to separate properties of vegan and vegetarian proteins, as well as its differences and benefits.

Let’s go!

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Plant VS animal protein

Products of animal origin, such as meat, eggs and milk, contain a lot of protein. Proteins are 20 amino acids, 9 of which are indispensable.
This means that the body cannot produce them itself, but receives them with a diet and dietary supplements.

This makes it easier for people consuming animal products to keep up with their daily need for proteins and essential amino acids. Animal-origin proteins contain all essential amino acids and therefore, could be considered as complex proteins. Some plant products, such as soybeans and quinoa, are also complex proteins. However, in most cases, vegetable protein lacks one or more essential amino acids, most often methionine, isoleucine and lysine.

For this reason, manufacturers mix plant proteins with multi-component products so that vegans can also be provided with all the essential amino acids in a single dose.

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Vegetarian protein

Proteins for vegetarians are mainly derived from milk, eggs, and vegetable proteins. These include serum protein, casein, egg protein and vegetable protein powders. The advantage of milk proteins is that they contain all the essential amino acids that vegetable proteins may not contain.

There are many other ways to get the necessary amino acids without eating meat. Here is a list of the 7 easiest products.

1. Quinoa

Protein content: 8 g per cup prepared.

Quinoa is a cereal culture that also contains a lot of vitamins and useful substances. It is full of fiber, iron, magnesium, manganese. In addition, the consumption of quinoa leads to the formation of a healthy organism, ranging from tissues and bones to internal organs. It should be noted that it is almost completely absorbed by the body.

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2. Buckwheat                                    

Protein content: 6g per cup prepared.Buckwheat cereal is extremely useful for the body. It contains more phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper, calcium, iodine, boron than other cereals. It’s full of vitamins and other nutrients. Some studies show that drinking buckwheat can improve blood circulation, lower cholesterol and keep blood glucose levels normal

3. Chia  

Protein content: 4 g per two tablespoons. The seeds of this plant are an excellent source of essential omega-3 fatty acids. They also contain more fiber than flax or nut seeds.

Chia is also a rich source of iron, calcium, zinc and antioxidants. It is noteworthy that when mixed with water or milk, these seeds form a traction gel, which makes them an excellent tool for making all kinds of pudding, smoothies, etc.

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4. Soybean

Protein content: 10 g solid tofu; 15 g tempeh (fermented soy product); 15 g natto (soy cheese) per 100 g product.

Soya is a full-fledged source of amino acids and an excellent substitute for meat. Tofu is probably the best known soy product. And the more solid it is, the more protein it contains.

5. Rice and beans

Protein Content: 7 g as of 200g.

One of the cheapest and simplest vegan food is at the same time and one of the best sources of protein. Most legumes contain small amounts of methionine and large amounts of lysine, while rice contains little lysine and large amounts of methionine. Together, they provide the body with the same amount of protein as meat. This product is an excellent means to provide the body with protein and carbohydrates after intensive exercise.

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6. Spirulina with grains or nuts

Contrary to popular belief, this blue-green algae is not a full protein source because it lacks methionine and cysteine.

And in order to remedy the situation, to spirulina it is only necessary to add something that contains enough of these amino acids, such as grains, oatmeal, nuts or seeds.

7. Humus and pita

Protein content: 7 g per whole grain pita and two tablespoons of hummus.

The protein in the wheat composition is similar to the protein in the rice composition, except that there is no lysine in the former. However, chickpea, which is the basis for hummus, contains enough lysine. That is why hummus and pita are excellent complete sources of protein. Moreover, chickpea has a similar amino acid profile to most legumes, so there is no need to be afraid to experiment with hummus made from white beans, green soybeans or other legumes.

Eating enough protein daily is important for your overall health.
Take care about yourself today so tomorrow you can see yourself healthy and beautiful!

Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

Julia Stecher is an award-winning fitness model, professional nutritionist, and certified personal trainer who provides personal training services in Zurich and online.

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